Mother's Board
In 1922 the late Deaconess Clifford Bush Rice along with other Deaconesses of Poplar Springs assembled here at the church and organized an auxiliary which they called the Mothers Board.
The Mothers Board theme is to “love and let the master use us in whatever way he is well pleased and never forget to give him the praise, and glory for whatever good we have done during these years.
Our Presidents
The President of the Mothers Board began with ….
1st President ……. the late Deaconess Clifford Rice (10 years of service)
2nd President …… the late Deaconess Phoebe Shepherd (17 years of service)
3rd President ……. The late Deaconess Mary Almond Rice (21 years of service)
4th President ……. The late Fannie Shepherd Phillips (18+ years of service)
Current President …. Mother Carolyn Jackson