Trustee Board Ministry


<pWhat We Do

The board of trustees is the governing body that represents the interests of the members of the church. This board assumes responsibilities as a whole as well as assigns specific duties to individual members.

Budgetary Duties</p

Trustee boards are typically in charge of budgetary matters within a church. The board defines a budget and appropriations at the beginning of each year and develops a uniform system to accept offerings and donations, pay bills and make purchases. All revenues and expenditures are documented by the board and evaluated periodically during trustee meetings and Church Conference.


Development of new ministries and outreach programs usually falls to the pastor but the board of trustees might also play an important role in supporting these efforts if needed.

Property Maintenance

Another role of the trustee board is to maintain the building and property owned by the church; make recommendations/decisions regarding whether or not outside organizations may rent and use space within the church. The trustee board may also be tasked with assessing property insurance liability risks and ensuring that the church is in compliance with neighborhood and zoning regulations.

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